Setting standards for PDF

Formed in 2002 and known as the Ghent PDF Workgroup, the organisation held a drupa press conference to alert the graphic arts world to the work it’s doing to ensure a more streamlined workflow.

David Zwang, Ghent PDF workgroup vice chair outlined the group’s activities and what it is doing to meet its mission.

“To develop and maintain process specifications for best practices in graphic arts workflows and promote their acceptance and use in the international graphic arts community,” he says.

Formed in 2002, the group has worked hard to ensure that PDF files work properly.

“PDF/X is a wonderful format, but it won’t necessarily meet a printer’s specifications or go through the rip,” Zwang says.

The group covers many aspects of print, including packaging: “In the past, the packaging community has been like the foster child. They don’t get the attention that commercial print does,” says Zwang.

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