Penrith Museum of Printing re-opening
Refurbished site is the last remaining fully-functioning print museum in Australia
5 November, 2018Refurbished site is the last remaining fully-functioning print museum in Australia
5 November, 2018Pitting Gutenburg vs Koster The Imposter in letterpress history presentations
10 July, 2018The Australian Society of Old Friends take a tour through the Penrith Museum of Print. Click on the pictures to see them in high-resolution.
20 October, 2017Penrith Museum of Printing features working equipment, Albion press, Treadle Platen
16 October, 2017Penrith Museum of Print aims to preserve letterpress print knowledge, technology
30 August, 2017Only functioning printing museum open for weekend following year of renovations
24 August, 2017End of content
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