A commitment to the craft of print and paper: Zaidee Jackson

This article was republished from Australian Printer’s Women in Print pages

A person that has contributed to the print and visual communications industry in a multi-faceted way, Zaidee Jackson needs no introduction. Her commitment to the craft of print and paper has been a steadfast journey for over 25 years.

But what many don’t know is her unique journey which ended up in print. Having studied marketing and journalism, Jackson first landed in a role with a music company in Sydney. Soon after, her sister was due with her oldest niece in Melbourne, and she packed up for a hiatus for a few months.

The day Jackson arrived in Melbourne, her niece was born. Three weeks into it, Jackson found herself wanting to work again, which is when she landed a role in samples at Edwards Dunlop Paper thinking it will keep her busy for six months whilst spending time with her niece.

“Doing nothing is not a speed I know well. Within six months at Edwards Dunlop Paper, I moved into customer service and soon after, landed a role as a promotions executive. Working in the creative community, I soon found a passion for design, which is when I moved to Sydney, still with Edwards Dunlop Paper, and transitioned into print,” she said.

“A deep knowledge of print and the technicality of the craft became an obsession. I later moved back to Melbourne and stayed in print with four printing companies before returning to my first love – paper – with BJ Ball as its Victorian business development manager and stayed through to the merged entity of Ball & Doggett.”

Jackson is now Ball & Doggett’s national business development manager of sustainable packaging.

“My role is about the connection made between the creative and print community. My print and paper expertise provides a platform that I have created with customers to support their project outcomes. It’s about creating a relationship with customers and giving them the confidence to achieve the goals they have for their end customers,” she said.

“The goal is always to create the experience in the name of elevating the craft of print and our focus on sustainable solutions for Australian brands. This is an exciting space for our business and I am looking forward to working with our national product specialists. Together, we will work with customers going through transition plans to support the conversations that are needed now.”

Jackson said her experiences working on a myriad of projects gave her a learning platform to experience the entire process from concept to delivery, and to the end client.

“Working with some of Australia’s most decorated designers and printers over the past 25 years has been a continuous learning experience. With each job, project, conversation, experience, you take a learning with you and apply it to the next projects. Generous mentors, both male and female along the way have been a blessing and I have lapped it all up,” she added.

Jackson was fortunate to have the late Gary Wilson, an industry icon, and Tony Knight from the then Manark Printing as some of her mentors.

“I modelled what Gary did in how I engaged with clients and suppliers by observing him and spending time with him. Tony taught me how to see print from screen to substrate and how to sell the technical side of the craft,” she said.

“The power of your network is priceless. How you treat that network and how you add value makes the difference in how your work ethic is viewed. Regardless of your sex, to lead is to have the natural ability to work with and alongside others for a common goal.”

Her advocacy of print in the education sector and making a difference in the learning journey of emerging designers is one of Jackson’s prides. She sits on the advisory committee board for Deakin University and Box Hill Tafe in their Bachelor of Design studies.

“I find sharing knowledge of an industry that I am passionate about and educating young minds in a way that is not driven by the curriculum very rewarding. The investment of taking them into the heart of what we do, how we do it and why we do it is priceless,” she mentioned.

Jackson also advocates for women in print as a Women in Print panellist and online webinar facilitator, as well as being a judge for The Real Media Collective Awards. She was also honoured as the recipient of Exceptional Women in Print Award 2021 at the 38th National Print Awards.

“Yes, we are in a typically masculine industry. But at the end of it all, our experiences are what moulds us. Resilience in this industry is key – male or female. There are more women in leadership roles have certainly flown the diversity and equality flag and these incredibly talented women inspire me because they are leaders that drive change from the front seat,” she said.

“They don’t need to be noticed; they are the ones that are visible and walking side-by-side others with a clear direction on how to elevate, push boundaries and succeed.

“I chose to earn my seat at the table rather than listen to what I was told in my earlier years. It’s the attitude of a person and not their sex that makes this industry stronger. Together as a collective, we have so much further to go and I’m planning to stick around to see us all flourish.”

Moving forward, Jackson’s role will focus on the offering by Ball & Doggett’s sustainable alternatives and partner with both printers and brand owners with their environmental journey as they review their use of materiality.

“Right now, my obsession is sustainable design and application and how we, as a Ball & Doggett, can take our clients on a journey to deliver new thoughts and concepts. Afterall, we all need to consider how to rethink, redesign to repurpose and recycle. It’s an incredible world around us that is impacting immense change,” she added.

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