Another great year ahead for NIPPA

NIPPA is an industry association dedicated to providing its members (in the in-plant industry), with a range of professional development opportunities that reflect the ever-changing needs of the In-house printing and publishing sector. The current membership comes from such sectors as education, government (Federal, state and local), banking, hospital/health and a growing number of large corporates.

NIPPA has active branches throughout Australia and New Zealand. Branch meetings are held on a bi-monthly basis and enable members and sponsors to meet for professional development activities, business exchange and networking. NIPPA receives widespread support from its industry sponsors whereby there is a two-way flow of information, resources and business opportunities.

NIPPA is an incorporated association and is managed by a Committee of Management that is elected biennially. NIPPA circulates information via regular contributions to Industry magazine, newsletters, and an Email ListServe. NIPPA also maintains a website for the exchange of information

NIPPA activities include;

• Networking opportunities for members

• Facilitation of exhibitions and workshops

• Bi-monthly branch meetings at sponsor‚s venues

• Advice to members on matters of industry trends

• Exchange of technical advice and support

• Advice to members regarding the development of Tenders, Service Level Agreements etc.

• Opportunities for leadership roles at both Branch and National level

• Advice on Project Management activities such as Benchmarking

• The Annual National Conference

In addition NIPPA provides a forum aimed at the specific needs of managers and their staff who work in the in-house print and publishing industry. Membership of NIPPA provides members with helpful technical advice and support regardless of where you are located within Australia and New Zealand, or how small or large a member’s in-plant is.

NIPPA considers the highlight on its calendar to be its conference. The last conference was held in Western Australia late in 2003 and a record number of attendees from Australia and New Zealand were motivated by local and international speakers and presenters and were afforded a wonderful opportunity to network with their peers.

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