Big W gets dismal supply of Harry Potter book

Aussie retailer Big W is under fire after customers took to social media to complain about its limited stock of the new Harry Potter book, which sold out in minutes during its $15 sale.

The new JK Rowling blockbuster was released around the world on July 31, and Big W stores across Australia advertised ‘one-day only’ discounted price of $15.

It has already been dubbed the fastest-selling book of 2016, with publisher Hachette Australia stating sales have exceeded 100,000 and counting, with reprints on the cards.

The latest in the best-selling series Harry Potter and the Cursed Child was printed in Australia by South Australia’s Griffin Press. The book printer was also contracted to print at least part of the Aussie editions of the other seven Harry Potter novels.

It is unknown what the initial print-run was in Australia of the global phenomenon, however it was understood to be significantly less than the record breaking one million copies printed for the fifth novel.

Customers have since complained about the retailer’s scarce stocking of the blockbuster – which saw some stores only given 50 books on opening day.

[Related: Muggles at Griffin Press print the latest Harry Potter]

Big W advertised the book as $15 for its initial release at 9:01am Sunday morning, but the highly anticipated script sold out soon after with customers being told they could order it for the retail price of $45.

One particular social media user posted to Big W stating, “I think it is a massive cop out by you, Big W. Basically you are saying Big W made a mistake underestimating demand so consumers have to wear it. The backlash you are getting on social media and mainstream media is absolutely warranted.”

“For the sake of $5 per copy – i.e. extending the promoted price of $15 – you had an opportunity to generate a mountain of goodwill, guaranteed sales, not to mention all the incidental sales from customers coming to the stores.”

The $15 sale was advertised on the department store’s printed catalogues as a ‘one-day offer while stocks last’; however this message was not communicated via social media.

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