Business events grants extended

The federal government has extended its $50 million Business Events Grants Program with the application cut-off date now pushed out to June 30, 2021 with the minimum available grant amount reduced from $10,000 to $5,000.

This means smaller exhibitors are now able to take advantage of the subsidy which will cover 50 per cent of the cost of participating in trade events, like PacPrint, Visual Impact and the Label & Packaging Expo.

The $50 million package for the business events sector was introduced earlier this year and will now extend to cover costs of exhibiting at events up until March 31, 2022.

Peter Harper, CEO of PacPrint organiser Visual Connections, welcomed the extension and said reducing the minimum grant amount from $10,000 to $5,000 makes it available to exhibitors with a total spend of $10,000 or more. He said this was particularly good news for suppliers looking to book smaller, 3m x 3m shell scheme stands.

Visual Connections CEO Peter Harper

PacPrint and its co-located events, which will run in Melbourne from 28 September to 1 October this year, have been approved for this funding, with many exhibitors already submitting applications and some already approved.

Harper expects the announcement to increase the already strong interest in the show from potential exhibitors, calling it a ‘no-brainer’ for any company considering participation.

“Those companies which have already successfully applied will enjoy 50 per cent ‘cash back’ on everything from their floor space and stand build, to airfares, accommodation, marketing and sponsorships…in fact any exhibition related expense,” Harper said.

“The application process is not particularly onerous and it’s basically free cash to build your business. Competition for the grants will be stiff, however, with many shows qualifying and literally hundreds, if not thousands, of eligible businesses expected to apply, so there’s no time to waste in submitting an application.”

Interested businesses should contact Grants Advisor Katarina Dayoan from Export Solutions at or on 0414 977 775. To discuss exhibiting or make a booking contact Visual Connections on +61 2 9868 1577 or email

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