Butchers and Starleaton unite

Starleton has launched a new vinyl, Neschen Easy Dot printable vinyl to butchers providing solutions to signage problems associated with butchers’ cleaning requirements.

Sydney digital wide-format printer Shout Media tested the vinyl and then it produced and cut the 1.2 and 1.5 metre long strips on Easy Dot, using food-friendly odourless inks.

Butcher shops The glass in butchers’ shops has to been cleaned every day for health reasons, it created problems for signage.

Ben Eaton, CEO, Starleaton, met with Meat and Livestock Australia group marketing manager Andrew Howie, who has connections with 2,600 butchers across Australia.

Eaton says the big advantage with Neschen Easy Dot is it can be removed and re-applied several times. He says, “More than enough for the life of a campaign. The air channels between the dots mean that no special application tools are needed, just hand-smoothing. If a butcher gets it on crooked, just peel it off and try again. The same goes for cleaning the glass; peel of the Easy Dot signs and put them back on again once the cleaning is done,” he says.

[Related: Expo signage firm slashes turnarounds and waste with easy remove vinyl]

Howie says they have been trying several products but some would not remove from the glass for cleaning while others left a sticky mess behind.

“We could see right away that Easy Dot with its dot-structured removable adhesive could not only solve the remove and re-apply conundrum, but because it eliminates air bubbles, was quick and easy to apply by non-skilled people,” he says.

“Easy Dot is a simple glass signage solution, but then some of the best marketing ideas are just that: simple. The Butchers love it and it’s on our radar for future campaigns,” Howie adds.

Starleton will be demonstrating the Easy Dot at PacPrint in May.

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