Check out this video reel from the 2022 ProPrint Awards

Some of the highlights of the recent 2022 ProPrint Awards in the grand ballroom of the Shangri-la Hotel in Sydney have been captured on this amazing video reel.

Please enjoy the video and we look forward to seeing you back there in 2023. The event date is to be advised soon, but look out for a full photo gallery in the February issue of ProPrint of this joyful gathering of print industry party people.

We’d like to say a huge “thank you” to our wonderful sponsors and supporters:

Thank you to Durst Oceania as Platinum Sponsor and our valued Gold Sponsors OKIHPMedia SuperOrafol, and DIC Australia.

Thank you also to the Silver Sponsors: Ball & DoggettBöttcher SystemsBright Print GroupCactus ImagingCentrum GroupGraph-PakKurzLamson ParagonPakkoRicoh and Visual ConnectionsprintIQ is the sponsor of the ProPrint Awards Editor’s Choice award. Ball & Doggett is the sponsor of the Sustainability Prize. The Print & Visual Communication Association is the Mentorship Partner for the Emerging 50. PKF is the Auditing Partner for the Printer 50.

Each of these companies have supported the ProPrint Awards to make it the success it was.

Sponsorship opportunities are now open for 2023. Contact Carmen Ciappara at 0410 582 450,

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