Christoph Gamper flies in to celebrate Durst Oceania fifth anniversary

Above: Christoph Gamper (far right) celebrates the fifth anniversary of the Durst Oceania subsidiary with the team in Melbourne.

Durst CEO and co-owner Christoph Gamper made a quick visit to Australia to celebrate the fifth anniversary of the Durst Oceania business.

Gamper took to social media to congratulate the team for their hard work and strong growth since the local subsidiary was established.

Gamper recognised the leadership of Durst Oceania managing director Matt Ashman who moved from the UK to Australia to head up the local organisation.

CEO and co-owner Durst, Christoph Gamper

“Matt Ashman has been instrumental in shaping a subsidiary in Australia (and New Zealand) that resonates with Durst Group’s core values,” wrote Gamper.

Gamper says the hard work has positioned Durst as a ‘preferred solution provider of the Australian printing community’.

“I thank every team member for their high commitment and standards,” he wrote.

He concluded with extending his thanks to Durst’s Australian customers.

“Your support has been crucial and truly special to us. We are excited to connect with many of you at drupa 2024,” concluded Gamper.

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