Early bird tickets on sale for inaugural FESPA Australia conference

Early bird tickets are now on sale for FESPA Australia’s inaugural Conference 2022 which will be held from 8am to 2.30pm on Thursday October 27, 2022 at the Shangri-la Hotel in Sydney with the ProPrint Awards taking place from 6pm in the same location.

With its theme of People Planet Profit, successful print companies of the future will embrace a different culture, dismissing price competition in favour of a holistic view that promotes sustainability and leverages the power of people.

Coined the ‘triple bottom line’ by John Elkington in 1994, print companies nowadays must recognise the demands of their clients and internal teams for a socially responsible focus.

With interactive panel discussions, global live streaming and in person presentations, the conference will bring together internationally recognised thought leaders and industry experts who are already developing and demonstrating sustainability, leadership and automation practices to guide print companies into a better future.

And to top it off we are delighted to have the ever talented Sam McCool to guide and facilitate the days proceedings.

The conference runs from 8am to 2.30pm.

Who should attend?

If you are a wide-format printer, sign-maker, industrial printer, specialist screen printer or garment decorator, we hope you can join us for what promises to to be a truly insightful and informative conference. There will also be the opportunity to network, meet and discuss with leading players in the field through our Club FESPA arena.

Click here for tickets for the FESPA Australia Conference.

Early Bird Members – $150.00 per person (ex. gst)

Early Bird Non Members – $190.00 per person (ex. gst) For more information contact Jane on 0400 988 312 or email membership@fespaaustralia.org.au

Nominations for the ProPrint Awards are open until Friday August 12. Click here to nominate who you think deserves recognition. Categories include Printer 50 for senior leaders, Emerging 50 for rising stars, Supplier 50 and Industry Achievement Award.

Tickets for the ProPrint Awards can be purchased here.

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