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The Future of Ecolabelling in Australia conference will be the first
conference of its kind with a specific focus on environmental and social certification and declarations. Already, a diverse range of voluntary and mandatory mechanisms operate on the market, all seeking to offer choices to consumers with respect to the environmental and social impacts of the products and services they purchase. In particular the conference will also help those institutions that are seeking to implement green procurement
strategies to better understand the value of incorporating independent ecolabelling schemes in their process of product selection and to better understand the science and mechanisms of making good environmental choices.
Some of the conference topics include:
a. The status of ecolabelling across a range of sectors including forestry, energy, manufacturing and extractive industries, tourism, fisheries, agriculture and agro-food systems, among others
b. The business case for certification and labelling
c. What are the real environmental benefits?
d. What regulatory frameworks are needed for effective and credible systems?
e. Synergies with other corporate responsibility approaches including ethical investment, green procurement and sustainability reporting
Speakers include a United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) representative; Commissioner Jennifer McNeill from the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC); Professor Neil Gunningham, from the Regulatory Institutions Network (RegNet), ANU; and representatives from ten eco-labelling programs operating in Australia.
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