Creators will, without any additional steps or effort, produce PDF documents that match printers’ preferred PDF workflow specifications via the new Enfocus PDF Queue. A series of major new features also includes menu-level integration with multiple PDF creation tools and technologies including Adobe InDesign CS, Adobe Acrobat, and QuarkXPress 6, and operating system-level integration in Mac OS X (Panther and Jaguar).
David van Driessche, Enfocus CEO, says, “We’ve dramatically reworked the product based on customer feedback. Both from a user experience and from a feature point of view, Instant PDF has evolved into a much more mature product.”
van Driessche says that while Instant PDF’s primary focus of providing document creators with the easiest way to create and deliver error-free PDFs hasn‚t changed, the improved version gives document receivers the tools they need to define how that PDF should behave for their particular workflow.
The essential change to Instant PDF 3.0 is its implementation of the new Enfocus PDF Queue. The Enfocus PDF Queue contains all settings and standards – defined by receivers – needed to create a good PDF and deliver it to its final destination. Instant PDF 3.0 automatically executes the Queue on the PDF document.
Enfocus PDF Queue includes:
• Print settings for both Adobe InDesign CS and QuarkXPress 6.
• Acrobat Distiller Job Options.
• An Enfocus PDF Profile, providing the most comprehensive set of PDF preflight checks and fixes.
• Enfocus Action Lists, bringing advanced auto-correction through PitStop Professional and PitStop Server.
• Preferred file save, email, and FTP locations.
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