Five of the best from Quad Tech

The company arrived at drupa with a revamped image and identity for the future. The catchphrase “Our passion is your success” was encapsulated with its expanding product line.

The company‚s new register controls include a QuadTech Register Guidance System with MultiCam and the QuadTech Ribbon Control System with MultiCam. Both are suitable for all web offset applications: newspapers, commercial, insert and directory and colour register control system can be expanded at a later date to include ribbon / cut off controls.

QuadTech Data Central is a new MIS product that represents the company‚s ambition to help create the “lights out” pressroom. It currently includes two modules: performance reporting and automated setup of ICON based products using JDF.

Another new product at drupa is the Color Control System onn ICON. The company’s technical manager Soma Patel says that the system dramatically reduces makeready times and waste, while eliminating the subjective judgment of colour during press runs. It was a sentiment that was reinforced by worldwide sales director David Barton: “Operators love to play. We’ve seen better results when we tied their hands behind their backs.”

The newly launched Heliostat 300 will provide better control of print quality for wide webs. Its power supply will provide a consistent charge for web widths up to 4.3m, with a higher charge to improve ink transfer for water-based inks.

Register control for packaging and gravure applications is the target of the new Autotron Packaging 2600. The product provides total register control for packaging and is suitable for shaftless and conventionally driven production.

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