Graph-Pak eyes national market with new appointment

Julian Bowdler will head up the sales and development side of Bermuda, a similar position to his previous role at Flint Group Australia.

Graph-Pak said Bowdler (pictured) is broadening Bermuda’s focus from NSW to a nationwide operation.

Managing director Tom Ralph said he saw the consumables division as having “offices and warehouses in every state in the next few years”.

Bowdler will be working in conjunction former Bermuda owner Bruce McIntosh to sell a new range of its own Fogra-approved products as well as printing blankets, plates, inks, tapes, pressroom chemistry and other consumables from industry leading suppliers.

“We will be offering a full range of our own pressroom products that we have been developing for a while, we already have a number of high-profile printers interested in them,” he said.

Graph-Pak acquired Bermuda in July last year, with McIntosh staying onboard as sales director.

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