Heath Nankervis has been confirmed as the new managing director at Southern Impact, as he takes over the role from Rod Dawson.
Nankervis commented, “I couldn’t be more excited and proud to lead Southern Impact. Some may say I have print in my blood – starting off during my school holidays working for my dad and uncles, feeding hoppers on binding machines back at Impact Printing in Brunswick, to the evolution of what this great business is today.”
Nankervis began his career in the print industry as sales manager at Impact Digital in 2005, and in 2013 became director of Impact Digital and non-executive director at Southern Colour.
When Southern Colour, Impact Digital and Intelligent Media merged in 2019, he was appointed director of digital and helped lead and manage the merge process. Two years later, he became sales director at Southern Impact.
Nankervis is also director of Onpack – part of the company’s broader group specialising in self-adhesive labels and direct can printing, which is led by Onpack managing director Michael Nankervis.
“I’d like to acknowledge outgoing managing director, Rod Dawson for his tireless contribution over the last 20-plus years. He has left a great legacy in our business, one that I hope to replicate over time but in my own way,’ added Nankervis.
Southern Impact, based across 18,000 square meters across Mount Waverley and Dandenong South, is proud to be a privately owned and family-led business which employs 130 “incredible” staff.
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