The most popular press in the world today, the Speedmaster is renowned for its versatility enabling an extensive range of materials to be produced quickly and efficiently with short make ready times.
Printers servicing a broad sweep of markets from magazine publishing through to packaging are discovering the qualities of these presses in great numbers, says Heidelberg. The company says that the Speedmaster delivers superior print quality and is able to fit into a variety of existing production environments due to its ease of operation and connectivity.
Newstyle Printing – Speedmaster CD102-5:
A rising demand for work to be produced on an expanding range of paper weights and styles has led Newstyle Printing to install a Heidelberg Speedmaster CD102-five colour press (CD102-5).
Kym Burns, Newstyle Printing general manager, says that due to the shift in requirements from their customer base, the company needed a press that would offer absolute versatility.
“Historically we have had great success with Heidelberg presses, so it was a natural choice to ask Heidelberg what solutions they had for producing work that spanned a diverse range of paper weights,” says Burns.
“Our customers are always pushing the limits of traditional print and looking for items which will stand-out from the masses. In order to adequately service them we also need to be able to push our boundaries. The reliability and functionality of the Speedmaster CD102-5 to run extremely fine paper through to thick stock enables us to do this.”
A Heidelberg house for many years Newstyle Printing also has a Speedmaster (SM) 102-6-P with perfector function, a SM72-5, and a GTO52-1. In the finishing department the company has three Stahlfolders; TD78, KD78 and T 49 as well as a Polar Guillotine.
Based in Mile End, Adelaide, Newstyle Printing produces a wide range of point-of-sale materials, promotional items and packaging for a client base which includes advertising agencies and designers.
The versatility of the new CD102-5 extends beyond stock weights to the fast make ready and fully automated wash up systems which has made it “the press of choice, especially for more complicated jobs,” says Burns.
“With the CD102-5 we are able to push through an extremely high level of work. The installation has renewed our confidence to take on any job engendering a ‘no fear’ attitude in production.”
Burns is also impressed with the ease in which the CD102-5 and the CP2000 operating console fit seamlessly into the existing pre-press system.
“Our prepress is based on CiP3 the same technology which is used to drive the CP2000. As a result the connectivity between pre-press and the CD102-5 is extremely efficient enabling us to programme one job while running another,” says Burns.
In order to maintain a regular flow of work to the CD102-5 Newstyle Printing added an extra member to the company’s sales force.
“Our productivity has increased to a level that we are actively exploring new opportunities in previously untapped markets. The throughput of work on the CD102-5 is so efficient that we can comfortably take on additional jobs without having to schedule extra shifts,” says Burns.
“We could not be happier with the impact the new Heidelberg CD102-5 has had on our business. It has exceeded our expectations enabling us to start striving for production and turnover goals that previously would have been unattainable.”
Sydney Allen Manufacturing – Speedmaster CD102-6:
The versatility of the Speedmaster CD102 was also the winning factor for Sydney-based Sydney Allen Manufacturing who installed a six-colour unit (CD102-6) in April.
Peter Rooney, sales and marketing manager, says the decision to install the CD102-6 was driven by the need to boost the company’s productivity and give them an edge over the competition.
“The market we service demands high quality in short turnaround times, and is driven by the need to stand out. The extremely fast make ready and ease of operation combined with the ability to run stock up to 1mm thick allows us to be as flexible as possible. The versatility of the CD102-6 gives us the creative license to suggest options that our clients may not have dreamt of,” says Rooney.
Based in Rydalmere, in Sydney’s west, Sydney Allen Manufacturing was started 51 years ago by Sydney Allen. The company now has 70 staff and services a large range of commercial clients “including some of Australia’s largest enterprises”. Production spans promotional items, reports, brochures posters, saddle stitched books, magazines and direct mail products.
Sydney Allen Manufacturing is a fully equipped Heidelberg house from pre-press through to finishing including a CD102-5, a CD102-4-P with perfector function and two Polar Guillotines; 115 and 137.
The installation of the CD102-6 is not the company’s first foray into six-colour printing, “but the versatility of stock we can run through this press is new to us,” says Rooney.
“The ability to produce work on a wide range of materials with absolute quality gives our clients a greater level of confidence in awarding us jobs that they might otherwise have taken elsewhere. In today’s competitive market it is essential that you are able to meet all your client’s needs. To outsource, or worse still refuse a job, can have quite disastrous results.”
To boost its prepress capacity Sydney Allen Manufacturing also installed a Topsetter 102 CtP system. “The Topsetter 102 and the CD102-6 work together seamlessly to ensure a very smooth progression from pre-press to the press. By fingerprinting the Topsetter 102 to the CD102-6 we have further streamlined our production,” says Rooney.
According to Rooney the staff have taken to the solution “like ducks to water. Heidelberg provided all the training and support during the initial phase and the team has now taken charge of the equipment and are running with it.”
“The CD102-6 and Topsetter 102 solution has enabled us to become a print-and-go operation eliminating the need for film and metals. This has been our ultimate aim for some time now as we can ensure the maximum flow through of jobs while cost effectively meeting our client’s requirements.”
Complete Colour – Speedmaster CD102-5:
For Melbourne based Complete Colour it was the superior German technology and exceptional print quality which led the company to install a Speedmaster CD102-five colour press.
The company re-evaluated its business direction and determined what future plant requirements were required to survive in the cut-throat printing market of today. An analysis pointed towards high productivity and automation enabling the Complete Colour to handle a large capacity of work over continuing decreasing deadlines that are now the ‘norm’ for the industry.
Following this evaluation Complete Colour commenced an extensive plant upgrade in January with the installation of a Heidelberg ST300 saddle stitcher and a Stahlfolder TD78.
This continued in July with the installation of the CD102-5 with CP2000 operating console. The final stage will be completed in March 2004 with an installation of a Speedmaster SM102-5-P with perfector function, which will be launched at drupa.
Tim Michaelides, Complete Colour managing director, says, “The fully automated presses and bindery equipment, combined with materials handling equipment also supplied by Heidelberg including a stack lifter/turner and pile lifter, were evaluated as key equipment in improving our work flow and reducing labour time. This enables us to throughput a larger volume of work in a shorter time frame.”
Established in 1992 Complete Colour specialises in the production of a wide range of promotional material for a diverse customer base spanning designers and agencies through to large corporations and the financial sector.
“We evaluated equipment from all suppliers and found that we should stay with Heidelberg due to output, reliability, quality, and the excellent back up service that we have experienced from Heidelberg for many years,” says Michaelides.
“We are extremely satisfied with the high standard of quality and automation of the CD102-5, ST300 and TD78. The versatility of the press, combined with the Heidelberg finishing solution, really allows us to go head to head with the larger printing operators.”
Michaelides is also impressed with the ease of transfer of information from prepress to the CD102-5 via the CP2000 operating console.
“The prepress interface to the CP2000 ensures that all settings remain with the job from its creation through to finishing. This enables quicker job changes and the flexibility required in a high volume operation, in both long and short runs, whilst maintaining optimum production levels,” says Michaelides.
“We are confident that with the installation of this equipment we have positioned ourselves where we will be able to meet the inevitable challenges to come and at the same time experience strong levels of growth.”
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