Hyperflex wins GATF for Creo

Mark Maldeghem, product manager for Creo packaging workflow says, “We are extremely pleased that HyperFlex was recognised by the GATF. This screening solution will allow packaging trade shops and converters to more successfully deliver high-impact packaging, in a streamlined and efficient way.”

Creo says HyperFlex screening makes flexographic presswork more predictable, reliable and consistent. It reduces the amount of file customisation and adjustments normally required to get around the unpredictable rendering of highlights. HyperFlex also brings quality benefits to the final printed package, which is of interest to packaging print buyers and consumer product companies. Several users have already expressed their positive experiences with the new technology:

Anthony Masotti of New York Label says, “We see great potential in this new technology. Analysis of flexo plates output using HyperFlex software reveal improved halftone dot structure. The concept makes total sense – you’re not just eliminating dots, you’re also helping the remaining dots stay strong and durable. We expect that this technology will help us raise the quality bar even further.”

Complementing Creo MaxTone screening – the hybrid AM screening solution that overcomes highlight and shadow reproduction limitations – HyperFlex software allows smaller highlight dots and reduces non-uniformities in the FM range of the hybrid AM highlights. The smaller dots and smoother highlights enhance the quality of flexographic printing, and eliminate the need for prepress workarounds for problematic highlight dots. These features enhance the capabilities of the flexo press, and allow printers to be more competitive, making it possible for printers to work with and capture a greater portion of the design business.

The InterTech Technology Awards will be presented on Saturday, November 15, 2003, at the La Mansión del Rio Hotel, San Antonio.

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