Norske Skog says that it stands for local presence and global strength. It has always appreciated the need to be near its customers to provide them with the best possible service. The company says this conviction has defined its strategy of global growth without loosing focus on the valuable need for local presence.
At drupa, Norske Skog will illustrate this focus on people through a number of daily performances. First of all Dr. Robert J. Lang, one of the world’s leading masters of origami art, will build a life size origami orchestra.
This unique Norske Skog orchestra will accompany two origami dancers and contortionist Tuya, who like no other is able to put meaning to the words flexibility and strength. In addition to this there will be a paper dance.
On a more serious note, the company will organise mill tours to Norske Skog Walsum in Walsum, Duisburg.
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