Norske Skog strikes gold in safety

The Awards were presented by the Minister for Infrastructure The Honourable Jim Cox, at a gala presentation dinner, with entertainer Ronnie Burns in the role of Master of Ceremonies.

A record 123 entries were received in this year’s Workplace Safe Awards which were attended by more than 600 people.

The Award’s aim to highlight publicly significant Tasmanian achievements in health and safety. They also encourage workplaces throughout Tasmania to develop and implement initiatives that help achieve a safer working environment.

The Gold Award was presented to Kim Brown, Norske Skog Boyer Health and Safety Council chairman.

For Norske Skog Boyer, the Award is positive recognition for all employees’ contribution to its proactive workplace health and safety management programme. According to Norske Skog, this programme is only successful because of the active participation of all Mill employees.

In the late 1990s, the Mill identified a need to reduce lost time injuries and workers’ compensation premiums while also maximising the health and safety of employees and embedding responsibility for OHS at all levels of the organisation.

A comprehensive OHS management program was implemented. At its core is consultation with and participation from employees, leaders, the Health and Safety Council and other stakeholders. The system is subject to continuous improvement with excellent results including: creation of a proactive, healthy and safe culture; a decrease of lost time injuries to zero in 2002-2003, significant reductions in workers’ compensation premiums and National Safety Council of Australia five star accreditation for three consecutive years.

The nomination for the safety programme had to be backed by the Mill’s safety performance and safety record, which over the last four years has been exceptional and, says Norske Skog, is a tribute to all employees.

Norske Skog’s Boyer Mill produces approximately 280,000 tonnes of newsprint for the Australian market and employs a staff of 430.

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