Print CEOs sleep rough to support homelessness

Above: Rodney Frost sleeping rough

To help our CEOs raise as much as possible for this worthy cause, Sprinter calls for the industry to donate to those braving the cold at this year’s Vinnies CEO Sleepout for homelessness.

The Vinnies CEO Sleepout, a powerful one-night event, is held on one of the longest and coldest nights of the year, 20 June 2024. It brings together hundreds of CEOs, business owners, community and government leaders, who sleep outdoors to show their support for the many Australians experiencing homelessness and those at risk. Each CEO Sleepout participant is committed to raising a minimum amount of funds to help Vinnies provide essential services to those in need. The first CEO Sleepout, initiated by Bernard Fehon, managing director of Tactical Solutions, took place in 2006 as a community event in Sydney’s Parramatta. Last year, 1490 CEOs, business and community leaders participated by sleeping out at one of the 13 events held nationwide or via a livestream, raising over $8.9M. The total raised this year thus far is $6,001,208.

Kellie Northwood, CEO of Visual Media Association said, “The Vinnies CEO Sleepout is a good charity and one our industry leaders have always supported well. This year is no exception with more than a dozen leaders across the country raising thousands for those living rough across Australia, I congratulate everyone for their involvement and urge the industry to support them through donations.”

CEOs sleeping rough on the coldest and longest night of the year for Vinnies CEO Sleepout

The Lamson Group CEO Rodney Frost is participating in his 16th Vinnies CEO Sleepout in Sydney. His reason for participating is a personal one and the cause is close to his heart. Over the years his fundraising efforts have been so successful he has raised a total of $216,472, a sum that earned him membership of the Deep Sleepers Club.

“I’m incredibly humbled and thankful for the on-going support I get each year for the CEO Sleepout. With homelessness being close to our family it’s a great way to help those on the streets and doing it tough. Without Dad getting an opportunity and a hand up, I wouldn’t be here.

“As an event Ambassador the key part that people need to know when considering to donate is that these funds are used directly for execution of programs for the homeless community or those at risk.

“These funds go in to a separate bank account and are audited separately and not mixed in with the general funds of Vinnies. This gives those people struggling, the same hand up that Dad got in his younger years,” says Frost.

Support him by donating here.

Rod Peirce, founder of Smartcomm, is preparing for his 9th Sleepout in Brisbane.

Donate here to show your support for Rod.

Ben Westall, CEO of Candida in Sydney, is participating in his first and has already exceeded his goal of $5000. At the time of writing he was sitting on $9,968 raised. Westall said, “I don’t normally do this sort of thing, but I was moved by the letter I received from Vinnies. As we all know, times are tough, and I thought it was a great opportunity to do our bit. So I hope that we can make a difference to someone’s life.”

Support him by donating here.

Sean Smith, CEO of IVE Group, will sleep rough for his second Vinnies CEO Sleepout. At the time of writing, he had beaten his goal of $5000, with a total raised of $6653 and climbing.

Support him in smashing his goal even further by donating here.

Colin Wheeler is the director of Document Solutions Australia and will sleepout on the Gold Coast. This is his 9th Sleepout, and over the years, he has raised a total of $95,146, which, like Rodney Frost, puts him in the Deep Sleeper Club.

Donate to support him here.

Director of Document Solutions Australia, Alan Thompson will participate in his 8th Sleepout this year. Over the years, he has raised a total of $50,356. His goal this year is almost there.

To get him over the line donate to his efforts here.

Owner of Pozitive Signs & Graphics, Phil Trumble will brave the freeze on the streets of Sydney tonight for his first Vinnies CEO Sleepout. He pledged to raise $10,000 and at $10,886 at the time of writing he has exceeded his goal.

Help him raise even more by donating here.

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