Printing industry 95% green: survey

The ProPrint Reader Survey was conducted over the last two months to provide an insight into the printing and associated industries, with the response from the industry yielding some interesting trends, particularly an overwhelming agreement on the industry’s environmental impact.

In response to the question “Is print’s environmental impact an important issue for the industry?”, over 65 per cent of readers said “very important”, with a further 30 per cent rating the issue “reasonably important”. Only 1.9 per cent rated the issue as “not important at all”.

In response to the question “What actions has your company taken to improve sustainability/lessen its impact?”, nearly 80 per cent of readers said they had already implemented changes to this effect, with 46 per cent saying they had already implemented many changes and 33.8 per cent saying they had just started to implement changes.

In what may signal a need for greater environmental education throughout the industry, just over five per cent of respondents said they hadn’t yet introduced any changes, but that this was because they didn’t know where to start.

On the technical side, design and graphics software, digital printing equipment, and bindery and finishing equipment ranked highest on readers’ wish lists when asked what products they planned to invest in within the next year.

M. Peterson was the lucky winner of the $500 prize for participating in the survey. Reports that Peterson was last seen quaffing a bottle of Dom Perignon remain unconfirmed.

ProPrint wishes to thank everyone who participated in the survey.

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