Q&A: Warwick Roden, Roden Print

Industry veteran Warwick Roden went from hating school and experimenting with chemicals to spending half a century running a successful print house. He might be retired, but the former MD of Rodenprint gives back to through support of industry bodies. 

Why did you get into printing? 

I hated school, and after being advised to look at printing as a career, I loved it. 

What is your favourite phrase? 

“I didn’t like that at all”, when I’ve polished off a lovely meal, and left the plate squeaky clean.

Which superpower would you like?

The ability to control my wife. This would require super intelligence – and super speed.

What is your greatest luxury in life?

Retirement. After working for more than 50 years and going from dawn to dark, the luxury of being able to choose the day’s activities is mind-blowing.

Who or what makes you laugh?

My kids and grandkids, particularly when they come up with a corny old joke they scorned a few years earlier.

What was your childhood obsession?

Experimenting with chemicals. I blew up a set of concrete laundry tubs!

Reveal a secret talent that you have. 

I can’t. It’s a secret.

If your house was on fire, what three things would you rescue? 

My photos, my computer and my Zeppelin postcard collection.

Who would you like to be stuck on a desert island with? 

If I didn’t say, “my wife”, she’d kill me.

Have you ever been said to resemble a famous person or character? 

My German work colleagues called me ‘Skippy’. It was the only thing they knew about Australia, but I don’t think there was a resemblance.

If you want to be in Q&A, contact Nick Bendel on nbendel@proprint.com.au

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