Social media wrap-up

Here are just a few of the gems you might've missed in social media this week…


  • Kodak film being used for Ben Affleck's Oscar-winning flick Argo
  • Google predicting the demise of print advertising
  • A printer losing millions of dollars of kit in a fire
  • Gunns' debts being confirmed at $3 billion
  • A widow suing after her husband was crushed by hundreds of kilos of newsprint

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Facebook fun

  • Fanta releasing a lickable print ad to promote its "more orangey" flavour
  • The scariest vinyl print you've ever seen
  • An unemployed Englishman using outdoor advertising to find a new job
  • Ikea unveiling a digital camera made out of cardboard
  • A compelling video interview with Benny Landa

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LinkedIn discussions

  • What's the most effective advertising channel? Catalogues? Magazines? Flyers? Something else?
  • What would be the best result from the Geon collapse?

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Our top five stories this week were…

1) Suppliers cut off Geon

2) Bought out by Geon, printers lament group’s collapse

3) Geon exodus as salespeople look to Blue Star

4) Geon boss moves to allay fears and talk down media reports

5) Cynergy Printing hits the wall owing $350,000



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