Swiss newspaper first to switch to digital

A daily newspaper in Switzerland with a circulation of 22,000 copies has become the first daily to switch to digital inkjet printing.

The Wallister Bote is the oldest newspaper in the region, and was looking to replace its 30-year-old offset presses to invest in the future of the publication.

Martin Seematter, the manager of the newspaper’s publisher, said the newspaper had calculated the cost of all potential uses of the new press, rather than just looking at the cost of producing the newspaper.

“For us, it was important to acquire a future-oriented means of production,” Mr Seematter told WAN-IFRA.

The newspaper will transition to a thicker newsprint to handle the inkjet technique.  The new press is an HP T400 model.

The Wallister Bote is the oldest newspaper in the region, and was looking to replace its 30-year-old offset presses to invest in the future of the publication.

A 22,000-copy run is substantially higher than most industry observers believed would be realistically economical.

Inkjet digital manufacturers are looking to Australian newspaper printing, seeing it with with its large distances as ideal for digital printing, potentially with one digital printer producing different newspapers for one town / region.



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