Time to enroll in first industry degree course

John Magnik, program coordinator, says the program is flexible, highly innovative and future oriented, and integrates business, technology, interpersonal and industry contextual studies around twin themes of supply chain concepts and scenario thinking.

Additionally, it aims to equip existing and aspiring business leaders and managers to thrive into the future of a rapidly changing industry and global context, suits both large and small enterprises, has graduate capabilities that have been developed by and for the industry and is led by skilled industry practitioners with appropriate educational background..

Applicants must hold either a VCE or Senior Secondary Certificate (Year 12 equivalent), including English Units 3 & 4; or a Diploma of Printing and Graphic Arts or equivalent; or a Certificate III level or equivalent in Printing and Graphic Arts in addition to three years experience in the graphic technology industry; or five years experience in the graphic technology industry including either supervisory or cross-organisation responsibilities.

As this is a full fee-paying program, students are not HECS liable. Applications should be received by the RMIT Office of Prospective Students by May 31 2004.
Further information and Direct Application forms are available from John Magnik, program coordinator on (03) 9925 9462 or email: john.magnik@rmit.edu.au

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