Vote for the ProPrint Power 50

The ProPrint Power 50 is our annual countdown of the Australian printing industry’s biggest influencers and decision-makers.

Click here to vote now!

The 2011 list will rank people based on their performance over the year gone by. Who will rise through the ranks and who will slip down the order?

Four people who appeared in last year’s top 15* are no longer eligible so there’s bound to be some jostling among the ranks.

No doubt there will be some new entries, while others might not make the cut.

It all starts with the public vote, and we urge you to make your choice now by clicking here. Everyone who votes will go in the running for $500.

Last year, we received an incredible response to the public vote but we hope to outdo it in 2011.

So what are you waiting for? Vote now!

*#15 Grant Vernon, Snap; #8 Phillip Andersen, PIAA; #7 Chris Mitchell, Blue Star; and #5 Andrew Price, Stream Solutions

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