Apex organisers announce indefinite postponement

The event, on advanced printing technologies, was originally scheduled for November 2003 in Hong Kong, but had to be moved due to the SARS outbreak. It was believed that the then new dates of February 18-20 2004 would deliver a bigger and more regional audience, as well as attract back those who were anxious about the SARS health scare in Hong Kong.

Having analysed the situation in various aspects and after consultations with leading industry players, Rosalind Ng-Seah, IIR Exhibitions deputy managing director says, “It is with regret we have to postpone the event due to insufficient support and lead time to run an effective and successful event. The industry calendar in 2004 is extremely full and moving the event to February in an otherwise crowded schedule now reveals itself to be untimely. It is our job at all times to deliver an event worthy of our exhibitors and sponsors’ investment and, after consultation with our partners and major exhibitors, we feel it is the best decision to postpone Apex.”

Apex, incorporating Sign Asia and a high-level conference, will be run in a more opportune time in the print industry calendar. IIR Exhibitions will be looking at a more suitable date with optimum time to run the event to deliver a successful event.

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