In what Goss describes as a blurring of the boundaries between newspaper and commercial print, it has introduced a new Œflexible printing system‚ which it believes will make a significant difference to the industry. The new Goss flexible printing system is being developed based on proven Goss technologies.
The future concept offers publishers the solution to newspaper cut-off and format issues and future unknowns, through a truly flexible production solution with potential applications across the printing industry.
An entirely new printing concept, Goss’ flexible printing system showcases the following key features aimed specifically at flexibility, productivity and quality:
– Low height towers
– 100 per cent colour
– Optimised press configuration
– Cut-off flexibility
– Slide-open units
– Automated plate changing
– “Pre-set and Forget” technology
According to David Stamp, Goss International marketing director, the Goss Technology Theater at Drupa confirms Goss International as a truly innovative web press technology leader.
“True to our belief in “Innovation for Business” as a company we have dedicated ourselves to finding ways to help our customers stay profitable, competitive and confident in their web press supplier. As the boundaries between newspaper and commercial print become obscured, Goss has identified key future needs for publishers.”
Also at drupa, Goss proclaimed the market’s faith in its Community press, announcing that it has sold over 400 units of the modular, single-width, one plate-around design since its launch.
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