HPA breaks digital print barriers with Fuji Xerox

Information and image management company HPA recently reached impressive consistent output levels of 1.2 billion impressions per year with the help of a swag of digital printers and a close working relationship with Fuji Xerox that has lasted for 15 years.

With its network of offices in Sydney, Newcastle, Melbourne, Adelaide, Brisbane, Canberra and Perth, HPA currently produces over seven per cent of Australia Post’s mail and 14 per cent of business mail in Australia. It also produced extensive amounts of printed matter for a host of financial, telecommunications and shipping clients as well as providing data, document and distribution management services.

HP recently installed 16 EPS Production Controllers at its Sydney, Canberra, Melbourne and Brisbane sites to help drive the production on its 40-plus DocuPrint 180s, which work alongside three DocuColor presses and a handful of DocuPrint 4635s.

According to HPA managing director Terry Daly, the company took a gamble on digital printing technology back in the mid 1980s, and it is this gamble that is paying dividends today.

“Back in that time, the bureau industry was at a crossroads. The Australian marketplace didn’t lend itself to huge continuous printers and was going towards the flexibility and high quality results that could be achieved with sheet cut laser printing,” says Daly.

“The EPS production system teamed with the DocuPrint 180 has really allowed us to sink our teeth into a whole swag of applications in the publishing market,” adds HPA national manager of information services Maio Veronese.

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