Ipex 2010 seeks to boost foreign visitors

The marketing event was designed to inform potential exhibitors how to make the most of next year’s show.

“This is about reducing costs and improving the return on investment (ROI) for our exhibitors,” said Ipex event director Trevor Crawford.

Ipex president and Heidelberg UK managing director George Clarke said that the timing of the show will coincide with economic recovery, when printers were looking for inspiration and an update on the concepts unveiled at last year’s drupa.

He said: “Even if the upturn is weak, after three years of recession, printers have to invest to improve efficiency.”

However, Clarke added that it was up to exhibitors at the show to maximise the value they and visitors get from the show.

“You have to do more than just turn up. Engage early to get customers and their customers to come. Ipex is a great showcase for the industry,” Clarke said.

Crawford claimed that next year’s event would have the most extensive set of co-marketing tools ever seen at an Ipex show, in order to support exhibitors and encourage visitors.

For 2010, Ipex plans to increase the percentage of overseas visitors to 50 per cent from 2006’s 40 per cent. It also hopes to attract a net visitor amount of 55,000.

Marketing director Nick Craig Waller highlighted visitor initiatives, including Champions in Print, guided tours with Proskills, international days, and the Printers’ Profit Zone – a conference session offering business advice.

Waller also highlighted the importance of exhibitors engaging with the market early to maximise their ROI and the tools Ipex has to do that.

According to Waller, 70 per cent of visitors are invited by exhibitors. However, he said: “Around 70 per cent of exhibitors don’t invite customers out of the fear they will visit rivals. And 60 per cent of exhibitors don’t set targets, 30 per cent don’t invite anyone, 45 per cent don’t provide press materials, and 50 per cent don’t follow up after the event.”

To support exhibitors he unveiled performance indices – a tool exhibitors can use to set pre-show objectives and carry out post-show analysis.

Pre-show objectives are determined from a questionnaire, while the Ipex team will visit exhibitors after the event to go through the analysis.

“It’s about taking control of your exhibition ROI,” he said.

Ipex 2010 will be held on 18-25 May, 2010, at the Birmingham NEC. For more information, visit the Ipex 2010 website.

Read the original article at www.printweek.com.

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