JPE focuses on success

The Junior Printing Executives (JPE) “Focus for Success” Convention 2003 recently took place at the Peppers Fairmont Resort in Leura NSW, attracting around 45 attendees from the industry, up from last year.

Friday night was kicked off with the official opening by Russ Ridell from conference Platinum Sponsors Australian Paper, followed by reports from the interstate JPE presidents, which for the first time included Queensland, South Australia and Western Australia.

Saturday’s workshops featured renowned performance coach Glen Pattison, who has worked with such notable identities as Matt Dunn and Wayne Pearce. Pattison taught attendees about what he calls “The Competitive Edge”, how to get the most out of your mind and body to achieve your goals in business and life. Pattison was joined by former world number two triathlete Nicci Andronicus, who ran a team building session on Saturday afternoon.

Marathon runner Pat Farmer headlined speaking arrangement for the Saturday evening formal dinner, recounting some of his road runs including the run across the Simpson Desert.

The traditional JPE Master of Arms ceremony then took place, where fines were handed out for misdemeanours over the weekend, which ensured the event ended on a light-hearted note. The evening was then closed after the passing of the Gavel to standing president Mr Paul Bartolo.

“Overall my impression of the weekend was one of great satisfaction. After organising such an event you are often critical of the smallest things,” says JPE vice president Adam Todd.
“This all changes when you see the faces and reactions of the attendees, and you know that they are really getting something positive out of it that is going to aid in there career development and also their own personal skills and this is what JPE is all about.”

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