Kwik Kopy Gosford designer picks up top prize for Red Cross project

Kathie D’Mello (pictured) took first place in the Red Flame Design competition, which was to Kwik Kopy designers across the country.

The Australian Red Cross said that the quality of the entered work was so good it had selected a second design from the competition to develop and implement as well.

The charity’s chief executive, Robert Ticker, praised the merit of the competition.

“Through this initiative, the winning concept will allow us to raise money to directly assist vulnerable people here and overseas,” he said

Kwik Copy Australia creative director Richard Baker said: “The brief was that Red Cross wanted to encourage SME’s to donate not just in times of disaster like we have seen recently, but also in times when they just need the funding to keep their business stable.”

D’Mello received a MacBook Pro with Adobe CS5, and will also work with some top marketing and design people from Red Cross to develop her design into a live campaign.

She will be co-ordinating the printing and distribution from the Kwik Kopy Gosford centre on the Central Coast.

“To win such an award means an awful lot to me and gives me an incredible boost in confidence,” said D’Mello.

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