Labor ministers top list of Canberra’s biggest spenders on print

Department of Finance and Deregulation data on how federal members use government-funded entitlements shed some light on members’ use of print and distribution from 1 January to 30 June 2010.

The report showed that Neumann, who is the member for Blair in south-east Queensland, ordered 1.3 million personalised letterheads in the six-month period. His electoral office also ordered 455,500 ‘printed items’, bringing his total printing and communications spend to $106,314.

Neumann’s Ipswich-based electoral office told ProPrint that most of their print work is sourced from Brisbane-based printers such as 3E and Toadshow, while smaller jobs are sometimes farmed out to local printer Gawdy Green.

“We always put everything out for quotes, but a lot of the time the Ipswich printers can’t compete with the Brisbane printers for the work we need,” a spokesperson said.

Neumann was outdone by Trevor, the former Labor member for Flynn, who spent $118,205 over the period. Trevor, who failed to retain his seat in the August election, ordered 129,224 personalised letterheads and 420,248 printed items in the first half of this year.

Meanwhile, the office of Liberal MP Rowan Ramsey, whose electorate of Grey covers most of the state of South Australia, spent $91,657 for the period, including 381,300 printed items.

“Rowan tries to spread his business across the electorate,” an office spokesperson said.

The office of Amanda Rishworth, the Labor member for Kingston in the southern suburbs of Adelaide, spent $91,318 on print and distribution over the period, including 362,500 printed items and 90,000 letterheads.

An office spokesperson told ProPrint that they also try to use local firms for most of their print, citing Ink On Paper and Mercury Printing as their main suppliers.

The office of Don Ramsey, who is the member for Canning in Western Australia, named Worldwide Cannington as their sole supplier. The office incurred $84,858 in print and distribution costs, including 422,500 printed items.

Party leaders Julia Gillard and Tony Abbott had comparatively modest print spends of $19,423 and $34,095 respectively, though Abbott’s figures did reveal an order of 491,000 personalised letterheads in May.

Canberra’s top print spenders: 1 January to 30 June

Chris Trevor (ALP), member for Flynn (no longer in parliament), $118,205

Shayne Neumann (ALP), member for Blair, $106,314

Kerry Rea (ALP), member for Bonner (no longer in parliament), $100,475

Steve Irons (LIB), member for Swan, $95,080

Justine Elliot (ALP), member for Richmond, $94,070

Mike Symon (ALP), member for Deakin, $93,911

Rowan Ramsey (LIB), member for Grey, $91,657

Amanda Rishworth (ALP), member for Kingston, $91,318

Alex Hawke (LIB), member for Mitchell, $90,503

Barry Haase (LIB), member for Durack, $89,229

Don Randall (LIB), member for Canning, $84,858

Brett Raguse (ALP), member for Forde (no longer in parliament), $83,752

Peter Slipper (LIB), member for Fisher, $82,763

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