PIAA members from the Printing Industries Members Action Group have lodged a complaint with the Fair Work Commission claiming some aspects of the SGM notice and proxy form sent out by the PIAA Board are ‘biased, misleading, deceptive, wrong and/or do not comply with the PIAA Rules’. The members also want to have a vote of no confidence in the Board, at present the vote will be one of confidence in the Board. The Action Group currently comprises some 53 PIAA members from Queensland and another 42 from around the country. The PIAA has around 1000 members, many of whom will be using the proxy form to vote rather than flying into Mascot for the SGM. The complaint was lodged by Tom Eckersley from Print Approach in Queensland on behalf of the Action Group members following the Board calling for an SGM, effectively out-manoeuvring the Action Group which was itself set to call an SGM following the Board’s refusal to accept its demands last Friday.
The Printing Industries Members Action Group led by Eckersley claim the PIAA proxy form is ‘misleading’
The Members Action Group, claim the section of the proxy form which states ‘Members can appoint their Proxy to the President’ is misleading. In terms of voting, a proxy is a transfer of authority and is usually used when a voter is absent from an election. Eckersley says he is hoping the complaint will amend the technical irregularities in the SGM notice and proxy form which could impact the effectiveness of the SGM. “[SGM’s] are not done every day, and there is not always a clear mandate on how to do things properly,” he says. “There are just a couple of minor issues, but they make things technically incorrect so we need to make those things right. “The notice fails to say a proxy can be given to any other member of the PIAA.” Eckersley says he will be taking action to make sure the PIAA address the incorrect language and appropriately redistribute a new proxy form to the member base before the SGM takes place on February 23. Eckersley has also written to PIAA honorary secretary Craig Pearce asking for the motions previously requested by rebel members be added to the SGM. The motions involve a recorded vote of no confidence in the Board, that each Board position becomes vacant, and that any decision about PIAA staff or property is held off until a new president is appointed.
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