The demo Infinistream was assembled in a curtained-off section during International Inkjet Days in Germany. Samples from the R&D machine were also on display, which Océ said were "quite close" to the final specification.
The first beta customer, which is believed to be a German company, will receive its order in July or August. Both initial installations will be four-colour machines, which are expected to be upgraded in the field to seven colours.
Marketing director Roland Stasiczek also said it would be possible in the future to upgrade to faster running speeds than the current 120 metres per minute, which is equivalent to 14,400 B2 sheets or 7,200 B1 sheets per hour.
Even at current speeds the machine is significantly faster than rival digital presses aimed at the cartonboard market such as HP Indigo’s 30000, which Océ claims is only a quarter of the throughput.
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"Our product is in a different segment," said Stasiczek. "We’re aiming at runs not of hundreds but of thousands – tens of thousands. For that volume you need a productive machine to complete work in a short enough time frame."
He added that the firm was continuing to investigate finishing partners to work with.
The Infinistream was first announced during Drupa 2012. It uses an Océ-developed low viscosity liquid toner technology and a paper transport co-developed with Manroland Web Systems.
Drying is carried out using an intelligent heatset dryer that burns the oil carrier of the toner to reduce energy consumption and ensure zero emissions. It uses liquid toner technology that is different to HP Indigo technology.
"We have two major innovations in the Infinistream: firstly it is a cold electrostatic transfer, rather than a heated transfer; and secondly the toner is a chemical not mechanical toner," said Stasiczek.
"The disadvantage of a heated transfer process as used in the Indigo is the cost and life of the blanket.
"We wanted to ensure a long life and lower cost. The advantage of a chemical toner is very small and uniform particle sizes, which means a very thin ink layer."
He added that the Infinistream’s toner also had "very good" de-inkability.
[Related: More articles about new technology]
This article originally appeared at printweek.com
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