People who make drupa happen: Rudy Barth

Rudy was the first German Honorary Consul in the Northern Territory between 1981 and 1988 and from 1988 to 1994, he served as deputy executive director of the German-Australian Chamber of Industry & Commerce in Sydney.

His company, German-Australian Trade, is dedicated to bridging the gap between German and Australian companies in the area of trade and that extends to representation of the

In 2003, Rudy became the official representative of drupa in Australia. His role includes sale of exhibition stands to exhibitors (seven Australian companies and organisations will exhibit at drupa 2004).

However, he also serves as an ambassador of drupa, assisting intending visitors to make the most of their trip to the greatest show in print. This includes giving out advice and dispensing both admission tickets and catalogues.

drupa admission tickets; catalogues
Admission tickets are already available and Rudy expects the catalogues to be available by the end of March. Prices are AUD $58 for a Day Ticket; $173 for a four-day pass; and $47 for the drupa 2004 Catalogue (prices include postage). All items can be purchased online at Rudy’s website:

Get your tickets and catalogues here

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