Photo gallery: FUJIFILM drupa party

Above: Roger Labrum, Troy Neighbour, and Glenn Conyers (FUJIFILM)

Anish Shah (Kyko Solutions), Jamie Walsh (Solimar Systems) and Ian Swarbrick (XL)
Vino’s Weinbar in Düsseldorf
Gareth & Jade Monro (Snap Adelaide CBD) with Roger Labrum (FUJIFILM)
Jack Starnawski and Mark Wilton (Fujifilm Business Innovation Australia)
K-Duane Mackey, Brett Maishman and Brad Masters (Fujifilm Business Innovation Australia)
Mary Ann Rowan (Solimar Systems) Mick Buttigieg (Link DigiCom Sydney) and Margaret Curry (Riso)
Michael Salt, Lee Meadows Matthew Dundules (Officeworks)
Peter & Simon Lane (Lane Communications)
Roger Labrum (FUJIFILM) and Mick Buttigieg (Link DigiCom Sydney)
Scott Allen (We Are Engine) and Enda Kavanagh (XMPie)
Shane Smithe (Immij) Tim Farrall (FUJIFILM), Robert Doban (Immij) Brett Maishman (FUJIFILM)
Troy Neighbour and Chris Lynch co-hosted the joint FUJIFILM event

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