Small Sydney printer to market homegrown VDP software at PrintEx11

The company, which has already developed PDF numbering and imposition software, has been branching out from its offset and digital facility in Artarmon for a number of years. It said it will be using the upcoming trade show as its first major marketing push.

Paul Zheng, managing director of four-staff Kanprint, said Print Management Magic will allow users to put large amounts of variable data onto a print run in just a few clicks. 

“We have developed this software with the aim of improving workflow and efficiency in the print room,” he said.

Zheng said he had personally developed the products for Kanprint before deciding there was a wider market for his product.

“We started selling the products two years ago when we realised the massive savings some companies could have by using our systems,” he said.

Kanprint will share a stand at PrintEx11 with its parent company, Talk Graphics.

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