Social media wrap-up

Here are just a few of the gems you might've missed in social media this week…


  • Google winning a $1 million prize to encourage creativity in print advertising
  • Another city printing its own money as the community currency trend grows
  • Four print executives being placed on leave pending investigation of their books
  • UK printers battling through a recent influx of snow and ice
  • A US city introducing a billboard moratorium

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Facebook fun

  • Benny Landa's X-rated quip at the EFI Connect conference
  • Thirty of the best comic book covers you'll ever see
  • Photos of AIW Printing living it up at the Australian Open
  • The US government printer helping with Barack Obama's inauguration
  • Sydney firm Kopystop visiting printers in Vietnam

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LinkedIn discussions

  • What have you done to become more sustainable?
  • What's your favourite industry event?

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Our top five stories this week were…

1) Sydney printer surrenders franchise as debts become too much

2) PMP sheds loss-making data business for $6.2m

3) Geoff Selig rolls up Webstar and CaxtonWeb in Sydney

4) Sydney print manager lands major contract with Diageo Australia

5) Industry remembers 'gentleman' printer Glenn Freeman after car crash

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