Taylor’d buys new premises

Melbourne based printer Taylor’d Press has moved to Knoxfield into a newly owned and built premises, with Kirsten Taylor, creative print director saying she wanted to move closer to home.

Taylor says, “In our former Cremorne premises we had been there for 20 years but we were only renting, we thought to ourselves the building has been there for a long time what would we do if we were told to vacate?

“We decided to move closer to home and buy a building, so we have a future for our company. It took a year’s process to do all this, it was long and calculated, and we wanted to support our customers.”

Taylor says they are moving into roughly the same space, but have added extras to their building plans.

“It is pretty much the same size, but it has a beautiful new showroom entrance, and is still open plan because we like the fact people can walk in our factory and see what we do. It is brand new and purpose built and added a mezzanine."

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She says she hopes with the new facility she can educate more people on printing and help people realise how important it is.

“We were taking kids from Swinburne Tafe and Box Hill Tafe and now the Holmesglen Institute, we hope to bring kids in and also to educate people about print and open up to that thing. Help designers so they can see how things work, a lot of designers have never been to a print factory. It is good to educate people about print and we want to make people print, put stuff on display in our showroom, get people printing stuff and get excited too,” she says.

Taylor says they wanted to put the customers first, “Our customers would not be a priority if we had to move straight away. We made a calculated decision. We moved closer to home, we have got kids who go to the local school , and it is a bit lifestyle choice.”

Taylor and her husband James have settled in after moving in at the start of July, “It was long and tiring, it is like taking your first steps again- it is exciting and energising. We did so much planning, tape went on the floor and there was card showing where the machines went. Obviously we were a bit scared because we have city based clients, but people can drive around Richmond 30 minutes to find a park,” she says.

Taylor’d Press specialises in offset spot colour PMS printing alongside its letterpress and foil stamping on Heidelberg presses. It works with various papers and finishing, producing business cards, full stationery suites, invitations, coasters, postcards, vouchers, small folders and other products.

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