The year ahead: Kit Andrews, LIA

The experience of the last 12 to 18 months has taught us that making predictions is a very dicey game. From the LIA point of view, 2010 will be what we choose to make of it and if fate interferes we make the best of it. However, things will no doubt continue to develop towards a multimedia, multi-technology, multi-generation, multi-ethnic and multi-talented society. In other words, more choice and complexity.

The printing industry has always been a barometer of society and we all know the hand is pointing steadfastly towards “change”.

This means more digital colour, more personal ondemand print applications, more self-publishing, distribution and marketing opportunities using web-based networks and more integrated publishing solutions.

If more and more price driven, commodity high-volume jobs go overseas then Australia has an opportunity to fill the gap with high-quality, high-margin, smart and personalized material.

This has happened in other industries and the printing and graphic arts community certainly has the people and technology capable of fulfilling this role.

Associations, manufacturing companies, technology providers and educators in our industry will need to continue to look at their structures in 2010 to make sure they support leadership strategies that are capable of achieving results in their area of choice and marketing programmes that are aligned with a more complex environment.

And “environment” is obviously the critical issue. It looks like market forces will continue to play games with the best of political intentions but 2010 may just be the year of wonders when we finally get it right and work together towards a more sustainable world that is fit for the next generation. There is always hope.

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