UPM cuts emissions and pledges further reductions in eco impact

The paper manufacturer also said it had decreased its sulphur dioxide output by 30% in 2008 compared with 2007 and reduced the amount of landfill waste by 12%.

Further environmental challenges include lowering the use of renewable energy and minimising transportation where possible.

UPM is also looking at its “water footprint”, and will continue to lower its usage of water in its operations.

The quality of recovered fibre is also an issue as the trend for mixed papers or co-mingled collections increases.

Since 1990, UPM has invested €1bn (A$1.96bn) in its new mill site biomass-fired power plants and recovery boilers. These long-term investments have reduced fossil CO2 emissions by 40% per tonne of paper.

Read the original article at www.printweek.com.

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