Binding solutions for copy centres

Fastback, available through Impact Klipbind is a semi-automated binding machine capable of multiple binding methods from tape binding to perfect and case binding (soft and hard cover). It was developed specifically to service the short run, on-demand finishing market.

The system gives a professional look to documents of up to 350 sheets thick using super-strength thermoplastic adhesive strips and a broad range of cover types and colours.

Joy Ape, of Expo Digital Media Company’s city branch, which services Auckland University’s needs, says that while the binding is slightly more expensive than comb (plastic coil) it provides “a million possibilities” from CV’s to poem books, annual reports, quality coffee table books and even padding.

The binding is very durable, she explained, and books of any size open flat, a bonus for people displaying photographs.

Ken Gorman, of Copy and Print, is equally delighted with the machine, saying it is very easy to use “you put the pages in and push a button”.

“We bought it because we had a customer who needs that type of binding and although we’ve only had it for three months we use it for approximately 30 per cent of our binding work.”

Ken adds that they’ve had a few customers who’ve moved into perfect binding from spiral, tape or stapling.

Apart from its ease of use, he also likes the fact that books or manuals can open flat, important for much of the company’s work which comprises of training manuals for corporates and CV’s.
The range of binding and colour options is also a bonus, Ken says. “We can provide our customers with a cover type and colour that effectively reflects the contents of the document.”

While the Fastback machine has been around for some time, it is only in the last 12 months that perfect and case binding have been added as system capabilities.

Impact Klipbind has an exclusive distributorship on the Fastback system in New Zealand and general manager, Chris Wong says the system is the total solution for the emerging short run, on-demand market and has literally opened up a segment of the New Zealand publishing market that did not previously exist.

“There’s a huge pool of talented people in New Zealand who are never going to get their work published through traditional channels like large publishing companies. This machine will enable these people to be self-published because the cost for one is no different than for 500 copies. People can virtually walk into a print shop with a disk and walk out with their book or books shortly afterwards.”

Wong says the relatively cheap cost of the machine compared to other automated binding and printing equipment, means that it is a very affordable add-on to any copy or print centre wanting to tap into this market.

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