Black Dog Institute highlights benefits of mental health training investment

Businesses have a legal requirement to provide a psychosocially safe workplace by minimising risks to mental health; however Black Dog Institute workplace engagement manager David Rosetto is of the opinion that this is more than just an obligation – it makes good business sense.

“Workplaces that invest in mental health are more productive and have a competitive advantage, attracting and retaining the best talent,” Rosetto said.

Rosetto pointed out that it is estimated that one in six working Australians grapple with a mental health condition at any one time, including anxiety and depression. This costs Australian businesses over $39 billion each year in lost productivity, incapacity and absenteeism, according to the 2020 report by the Productivity Commission Inquiry.

“Our research shows that some workplace factors may increase the risk of developing mental health issues. Intensive job demands, isolated work, bullying and harassment or a lack of support are all potential psychosocial hazards,” he explained.

He stressed that with the right interventions, workplaces are a powerful environment that can help safeguard the mental health of workers, benefitting both individuals and organisations.

“Given that the average employee spends a huge proportion of their day at work, shifting the workplace agenda to prioritise good mental health could have a huge impact on our society,” Rosetto added.

What can workplace leaders do, now?

Workplace Health & Safety Show

Rosetto is clear that while there isn’t a one-size-fits-all mental wellbeing solution for Australia’s workplaces, there are two critical actions that workplace leaders can take to establish the foundations for a mentally healthy workplace:

Implement protective factors at a team and organisational level:
“There’s little value in only doing awareness raising or individual resilience-based activities if you’re not putting the policies and processes in place to address the issues from the top down. If you are telling employees that good mental health is a top priority, make sure you have established the structures, assigned accountability and allocated the resources commensurate with that level of priority,” Rosetto explained.

He warns that it’s not enough to, say, sponsor an annual golf day in support of depression awareness; instead, integrate good mental health practices into every level of the business. Continuous review and improvement are integral to this strategy.

Invest in training for managers:
Practical skill-based training to improve leaders’ recognition and response to mental ill-health is one of the most influential strategies to improve mental health outcomes for employees.

“Our analysis shows that Black Dog Institute’s mental health training for managers generates a return of $10 for every dollar invested through reduced absenteeism and presenteeism,” he said.

“Evaluation reports demonstrate improved rates of knowledge and confidence to manage mental health in the workplace, with 75 per cent of managers taking action to prevent or minimise risks to mental health following training.”  

Supporting Australia’s employers on the journey to good mental health

To further its goal of supporting employers in the development of mentally healthy workplaces, the Black Dog Institute is participating in the upcoming Workplace Health and Safety Show. On 21 September, Rosetto will present a seminar on Workplace Mental Health: The Cost of Doing Nothing.

His presentation, part of the free seminar program, will explore the prevalence and causes of mental health issues at work and deliver key strategies for the creation of mentally healthy workplaces.

“The Black Dog Institute shares our belief that individuals should feel safe and supported at work, in order to thrive. David’s presentation will leave attendees with practical measures they can implement in their own workspaces to boost wellbeing and, in turn, performance, and profit,” said Marie Kinsella, CEO of the IEC Group (organisers of the Workplace Health and Safety Show, taking place in Sydney from 20 to 21 September 2023).

For more details on the show, click here.

Black Dog Institute is a global leader in mental health research and the only medical research institute in Australia to investigate mental health across the lifespan.

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