Creo and Prism strengthen Australian relationship

This will be seen not only in the imminent enhancement of the full demonstration facility in Creo’s Sydney office by having a Prism WIN MIS system connecting to Creo’s workflow solution, but also in Prism moving its Melbourne operation into Creo’s South Melbourne office in Victoria.

Creo says that the Prism WIN development team based out of Auckland, New Zealand has been working with Creo’s development team to finalise the connectivity between Prism’s management information system (MIS) and Creo’s Production Workflow Solution. Both are now ready for release and currently in operation in Creo’s Sydney office.

Mark Wilton, Creo Australia marketing manager, says, “This is what we committed to the industry with NGP and NGP Partners programme, actual use of JDF in action. Delivering on promises is good business practice, and this programme will assist many of our existing and future customers to capture information from their business operations more accurately and efficiently.”

Lee Findlay, Prism Australasia general manager, says “Prism views strategic partnerships with key players in the industry as the way forward. In this respect Creo is an obvious partner choice and we are pleased to further extend our relationship to having our Melbourne teams co-habitate.”

In regards to Prism’s move into Creo’s Melbourne office, Wilton says, “There are definite synergies between our two business’ and co-habitation in the Melbourne facility will further enhance the way we together do business, and ultimately, the customers will be the winners.”

Once settled in, Creo and Prism will have an official open house to celebrate this further development in their business relationship, with dates and times to be announced shortly.

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