Heraeus Amba urges caution with UV lamps

UV lamps used for curing printing inks and varnishes contain Mercury (Hg). Mercury is not hazardous to humans when it is sealed in a quartz lamp chamber, however, when dispersed into the environment, the mercury is converted into compounds that accumulate at higher concentrations in animals further up the food chain and is extremely toxic. Very high concentrations can cause tremors, convulsions, and death.

Mercury disposal is governed by the prescribed waste regulations of the Environmental Protection Agency however, until recently, EPA regulations have made it difficult and expensive to properly manage used lamps and as a result most have ended up in municipal landfills. New changes to the regulations are designed to reduce the amount of hazardous waste items in landfills and encourage recycling. Those who handle hazardous UV lamps may be required to hold EPA registration and manage mercury lamps as fully regulated waste or recycle them.

It is a fact that lamp waste has little or no intrinsic value therefore lamp recycling is not self-funding and, unfortunately, the costs have to be borne by the user. In addition, the disposal of any hazardous waste is the user’s responsibility. For a nominal cost for up to 300 lamps (excluding the cost of transportation), Heraeus Amba says it provides a safe, responsible and convenient method of recycling medium pressure mercury lamps whereby the mercury, glass and other materials from the lamp are collected and reused without harm to the environment.

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