Kodak Prinergy Connect & Insite PrePress (virtual)

What does the software do?

The Insite PrePress Portal streamlines job submission, job-status tracking, online collaboration, and remote proofing and approval, automatically notifying both client and printer when a proof has been passed, for example. This information is then sent automatically to the Prinergy system, which manages and drives both litho and digital devices, cutting out production steps. Although not mandatory, Kodak recommends that these two systems are isolated by a firewall, which allows Insite to talk to Prinergy, but ensures against anyone using the business’s public website to interfere
with the main production network.

What is the ‘virtual’ edition?

Kodak has teamed up with virtualisation specialist VMware to create an edition that allows both software environments to be run simultaneously on the same server hardware, while ensuring the Prinergy server is protected. So a single server can host multiple versions of both Prinergy Connect Workflow and an Insite Prepress Portal System. Michael Smedley, business services and solutions group manager, Kodak Australasia, explains: “The advantage is that we can separate the hardware from the software. If a file is not ‘virtualised’, your software has to be connected to a certain piece of hardware and, although you might have another piece of hardware with the same software loaded on it, this would have to be synchronised to have the same effect.”

What benefits does this bring?

By running multiple virtual servers on one platform, a printer can reduce the physical amount of hardware required, saving space and reducing power consumption. Less IT maintenance is also required where there are fewer servers to install, support and upgrade. Alternatively, a printer might choose to retain the same number of servers in order to have an emergency back-up system. “Previously, if the website was down then the whole production system was down because you didn’t have a way to submit files to the printer anymore,” says Smedley. “If it takes you a couple of hours or more you can imagine the impact it has on the whole production chain.”

When was it launched and what market is it aimed at?

The VMware edition was launched in June. While there have been no installs locally just yet, overseas the system has been particularly popular with mid- to large-sized businesses dealing with a high-volume publication markets. But Smedley predicts that smaller companies will also start to appreciate what it can offer. “Over time this technology will appeal to more customers – avoiding downtime is crucial for any company; whether you are big or small, you’re always trying to better serve your clients.”

He adds: “Across Australia and New Zealand, we are speaking with a number of customers interested in the advantages of a virtual environment. They are looking for systems that provide greater up-time, less physical hardware and the possibility to put systems in the cloud – we expect to see a number of customers turn to this solution over the next 12 months.”

How long does it take to install?

Customers can buy hardware with the VMware edition already installed, but a key advantage to this system, according to Kodak, is that it can be installed within a wide range of IT environments, as long as the hardware has sufficient capabilities. Installation takes approximately one day.

What training is available?

While training is available on request, Smedley says, typically, very little is required. “Once it’s up and running within the VM environment you don’t really touch or interact with the software,” says Smedley. “If you’re an IT admin­istrator there’s a high chance you’re familiar with the software anyway. This
is something IT professionals have been implementing for a long time for other parts of the business.”

Does performance suffer from working on several servers via one platform?

Kodak says the system doesn’t reduce performance as virtualisation allows a user to utilise more of their server’s memory. However, as with all software, performance is dependant on hardware specs. Kodak recommends Dell PE T610 and PE T310 servers for running virtualised Prinergy and Connect, but other similarly spec’d platforms will function just as well.




Compatible platforms

Dell PE T610 and Dell PE T310 or PC with similar specifications

Kodak Australasia
(03) 8417 8000

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