Pongrass praises Nexpress

The installation of the Nexpress 2100 in March this year was precluded by an installation of a Heidelberg Digimaster in November 2002 to take care of the company’s black and white digital work.

According to Scott Telfer, Pongrass Communications Group general manager, the move into digital with the Nexpress and the Digimaster has beaten the company’s expectations.

“The business has been a success, given that we budgeted for losses, and given that we had to employ an all new sales staff as well as deal with suppliers that had never installed one of these machines before,” says Telfer.

“Pongrass Digital has a current competitive advantage in the digital printing industry with the Nexpess equipment.”

According to Telfer, Pongrass Communications spent a number of years travelling and researching the variety of digital solutions available, including Fuji Xerox’s iGen3 and the HP Indigo. The research process also included visiting overseas installations and a variety of different tradeshows.

Although a former employee of Heidelberg, Telfer insists that such allegiances had very little impact on his decision to go with the Nexpress. He says that such financial decisions should not be taken lightly and that he chose the machine purely on its merits.

Pongrass Communications worked long and hard on preparing the market for the arrival of the Nexpress, selling the work prior to the actual installation to ensure that the installation was a profitable occurrence for both the company and its customers.

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