MMT Print installed the first EFI VUTEk 5r+ in QLD

The installation, done in September 2021, enabled the larger group to be able to print consistently across two states in Australia, allowing for cost savings in freight as well as reducing turnaround times to local markets

Taking business to the next level with EFI

Screenmakers has invested in an EFI VUTEk h3 hybrid printer as the right printing solution for colour consistency, speed, and the ability to print on a wide range of media, at lower production costs.

The Job’s Not Finished ’til It’s Finished and Out the Door

Is your finishing operation holding your business back? Or depressing your margins with labour-intensive processes or waste caused by bindery errors? Are finishers disconnected islands in your workflow automation?   Perhaps you’ve made significant gains in automating prepress including job submission, file conversion and imposition, and some simple workflow automation. The next place to focus […]

Prepress Automation Made Easy

To take your workflow automation to the next level, examine your prepress operation to uncover bottlenecks that require extra labour and slow the production process.

EFI: Fashioning print’s future

Check out the latest in textile printing technology from EFI, including the EFI POWER 340 and EFI COLORS 340 printers, as featured in ProPrint’s April issue

Easy Workflow Automation for Printing Companies of All Sizes

In a highly dynamic and competitive marketplace, manufacturers understand the need to automate processes to the greatest extent possible, both to reduce costs and increase throughput.


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