The core module covers Estimating, Works instruction, Proof note, Delivery notes/Labels and creation of an Invoice which can be exported to a third party accounts package.
The programme has an integral layout designer and report query wizard and provides on screen faxing and e-mail, as well as a range of standard Management Reports and Production Work To Lists.
Optional modules include, Stock Control, Purchase Ordering, and Job Costing with Remote Data Capture from a PC or Mac.
New Products to be featured at drupa will be an SQL version of Accura, and Accura/CRM, a fully integrated contact management programme, providing direct links with Word and Outlook.
Also featured will be Accura /ASP the NEW E-commerce Internet module. The product uses Microsoft ASP scripting linked to an SQL data base, enabling printers to offer their clients secure access to their data. Features include: Quote Request, Order placement, Full history, PDF Proof checking, Order tracking, Stock call offs and pre-views.
Quote Wizard allows users to generate real-time prices, on screen from the printers own templates. The printer can customise the website easily from within Accura – without any
programming or website design experience, and enable or restrict access to individual areas. Accura/ASP can be hosted by the printer or a third party. The Accura product has its own integral language translator, and can be easily translated into any European language.
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